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When we were kids we couldn’t wait to be adults so we could do whatever we wanted to do…or so we thought! We just knew that we would have all the time to do what we wanted and nobody would be ordering us around anymore. Now that we are adults, most of us want nothing more than to be a kid again. Most of us were given advice like save money, hard work pays off, and make sure we exercise. However, there are quite a few adult problems that nobody warned us about when we were young. On Reddit, the question was asked “What is an adult problem that you were not prepared for?” See if any of these answers hit close to home for you.

“I always assume there are actual adults in charge of things, but I’m nearly 40, and I’m meant to be that adult. I feel like a kid in an aged shell.” (u/kitjen)…haha…What’s crazy now, is WE are the adults that are in charge now!

“Holidays. When you’re younger, Christmas is going to your cousin’s house and opening gifts while getting off of school. As an adult, it’s shopping, cooking, family drama, and being so exhausted that you just want it to end. And then, back to work the next day. I’ve grown to despise all holidays now.” (u/VirtualIce23)…I think we’ve all been there before.

“The grout in the shower will never get clean. Ever.” (u/JZType5)…OMG! This is so true! Unless I use chemicals that burn my eyes, the grout is never ever clean!

“How dirty my house can become so quickly. It feels like I’m constantly cleaning. I have a dog, but I live by myself and don’t have kids.” (u/ryl371240)…I’m glad I’m not alone. Jacklyn (my girlfriend) and I feel like we spend 80% of our time cleaning and doing laundry (but we never seem to have any clean clothes). It’s as if there is an endless supply of dirty clothes.

“Aches and pains. I thought that was for really old people (70+). Nope, not for a couple of decades yet, but I deal with pain every day.” (u/Runner5Blue)…I remember my neck and back aching, popping, and cracking when I was in my 30′s (and that was many years ago.). Have you started grunting and groaning when you get out of bed or up and down from the couch?

“How difficult it is to make new friends after 30 and definitely in your forties.” (u/NonComposMentisNY)…I know that’s why we have all of the apps to meet people, but where do you go if you actually want to make friends face to face without coming across as a weirdo or creeper?

“The time suck that everything is. I was finally able to snag a PS5 — it got here Thursday night. I would love to play right now, but there’s so much I have to do. Had to clean the house, including the balcony so we can get ready for the plants coming, had to rearrange the garage because we’re just out of space, cook lunch, cook dinner. Tomorrow, I need to go shopping, do some laundry, and put together a new bureau…When I was a kid, I thought that adults had all the time in the world.”…This one hit closer to home than any others for me.

“The acceleration of time as you get older. The realization that youth really is wasted on the young.” (u/quantizedself)…Legendary actress Bette Davis said it best ‘Getting old ain’t for sissies.”!

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Share your answers with us and let’s make sure we pass on this info to the younger generations. Remember, they will be taking care of us when they are adults!

— Doug O’Brien