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To enjoy National Tortilla Chip Day, you need a good dip. Here a few dips that we love across the U.S.

  • Salsa is the dip of choice with 18 states.
  • Guac is also pretty popular, with 15 states liking it best.
  • No surprise, Wisconsin, a beer and cheese loving state, likes to dip their chips in some beer cheese dip and 7 states love queso.
  • Coastal Maryland likes their crab dip – no surprise!
  • Ranch tastes good with tortilla chips according to Alabama, Mississippi, and Nebraska.
  • Only 3 states love buffalo chicken dip
  • No one loves hummus!
( use Google trends to determine these interesting facts.)

In Texas, tortilla chips and salsa were made the state’s official snack in 2003. The idea was proposed by a group of elementary school students who contacted their state representative and the rest is history.

In 2012, UK restaurant chain Brewers Fayre created the country’s largest tortilla chip, at 110 pounds and 32 square feet. It took 50 hours and was certified by the Guinness Book of World Records.

 Four More Fun Facts:

  • The word tortilla comes from the Spanish “torta,” meaning “round cake.”
  • Nachos are tortilla chips with cheese, and other toppings.
  • Tortilla is unleavened flatbread made from white, yellow, blue or red corn or wheat.
  • According to legend, a Mayan peasant invented tortilla for his hungry king.

Enjoy National Tortilla Chip Day!

— Doug O’Brien