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With VR (virtual reality) gaming becoming more and more popular and COVID keeping people from travelling or gathering in large groups, experts are predicting more events will take place in the Metaverse. By the way, the Metaverse is described as simulated digital environment. In other words, the events will take place in your computer, on the cloud where you store your music and documents.

In India, a couple has planned that country’s first Metaverse wedding and reception. Not only is it safer during the time of COVID, but it’s also cheaper. MUCH cheaper. The average wedding in India is around $20,000. The Indian’s couple Metaverse wedding reception is costing them $2,000. That’s not a typo. I didn’t leave out a zero. 2,000 people have been invited into the Metaverse to attend the Harry Potter Hogwart’s theme wedding. That’s $1 per guest. Plus, in reality you can be at home with no pants on while your avatar is dressed up for the big event. Doesn’t sound so crazy now, does it? However, this might. The bride’s father’s avatar will be at the wedding even though he died last year. That’s not at all creepy.

Here’s the invitation from Dinesh SP’s twitter acccount (

More about the story via a tweet from India Narrative.

This story has also been covered by the New York Times and CNN. To quote Bob Dylan, “Times They Are a-Changin’”.

Start designing your avatar now for the Metaverse. You never know when you’ll need to attend a big event in virtual reality, now or after we are done with this reality.

Check out the story from CNN.

— Doug O’Brien