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Remember the days before cell phones? You could enjoy being out and about without being bothered. But, now we have to make up excuses if we don’t want to take a call. We are most likely to avoid calls when we know the person will talk forever (You know who I’m talking about). Next are calls from whiny or needy people (You know who they are too…lol). Close to half of us will ignore a call if we know it’s from someone who needs a favor and 41% of the people surveyed will avoid calls in public.

According to, here are the top 5 white lies we tell for why we didn’t answer the phone.

63% – “I didn’t hear it ring” or “It was on vibrate.”

12% – “I had a bad signal.”

9% – “I was in a meeting,”

6% – “I was driving,”

5% – “I couldn’t find my phone,”

So, who do we dodge calls from the most? The top 3 from top to bottom are friends, family, and work.

I’ve got to go, my phone is ringing!…haha

— Doug O’Brien