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It’s natural to worry about what people think about how we look, our political beliefs, who we are, basically everything. When we add the pressures of social media that concern grows. However, there comes a certain time in life when to quote Phil Collins, “I Don’t Care Anymore”! According to a new survey, that age is 46! Once we become comfortable in our own skin, 72% are more content.

The survey also shows that it’s not until the age of 34 for men and 36 for women that we are comfortable with our appearance. It takes us til age 37 to settle in relationships and it’s not until we hit 40 that we’re happy with our career.

These are the top situations in life that help us become comfortable with ourselves.

Top things that helps become comfortable in our own skin.

Here are a few more interesting findings from the survey.

Men feel comfortable having their own opinions heard five years before women (45 years versus 40). One in three adults believes becoming a parent was key to them feeling more comfortable in themselves, and 25% said learning to drive. However, 29% think it took all the way to retirement to get confident.

— Doug O’Brien